Day 6: Grateful that I was able to transfer my son to a new school. He starts today.
Want to wish him luck. I love you bud.
Stitching and other things in life.
Want to wish him luck. I love you bud.
Nov 5. Grateful for yesterdays giggle session with Paul. One of those times when no matter how hard I tried or he told me "Mom I am serious" I couldnt stop laughing. Love ya Bud.
On a stitching note.. Put a few more stitches in my Santa Project. New pics to come soon.
I know its not stitch related but thought I would join in with the group.. Seems like a good idea.
I am behind but not too behind.
Day 1: Absolutely One of the biggest things I am grateful for is my son Paul... Best thing that ever happened to me.
Day 2: Grateful that I can stitch and craft.
Day 3: Grateful for all my friends both in real life and here on the web.. My stitching friends etc.
Day 4: Grateful I got an extra hour of sleep last night.
Thanks for reading. Stay tuned.. Hopefully more stitching to follow.
I received my wonderful Halloween Exchange from Lisu Spahalski. It was so cute. She made the most adorable pinkeep. I really need to learn to do these. The design is Boo by BBD and is from their Trix or Treat book. She used 28ct Antique Ivory Cashel linen. She included some pumpkin sticky notes and a darling little spider.
Jaunice Minor
Well January, February, and March came and went when I blinked. I can’t believe how fast this year has flown by. My step dad will be coming home on Saturday and we are so glad that hes doing better. The school play is done thank goodness. Paul is settling down.
We are working on getting more physically fit and losing weight. So things are hectic still lol. However I did complete another mitten. Here is my patriotic mitten. I thought it turned out so cute. Still needs some embellishment but its darling as is too.
Well its been crazy here. My step dad has been in the hospital.. Mom, Son and I all sick. Work Crazy. But I did manage to finish another mitten. This adorable mitten is number 3. I am a wee bit behind on my schedule but we will see if I can crank them up again. January Started off good and then it was all downhill from there. My schedule was to have me complete 10 by the end of February with another 5 in march and here we are the middle of March and I have 3 completed. Sheesh.
Without futher ado… Mitten number 3. Baby its cold outside is its title.
The picture really doesn’t do it justice. It will have buttons and then its supposed to look like a sweater I believe.
Until Next time.
Well things slowed down a little bit. I am working on Mitten number 3. I have included a pic of this little mitten. I am really loving stitching on these… Hoping I have a whole tree full by December. I have been working on one other WIP but cannot show that one just yet. Well have a wonderful night.
Well I have finished stitching 2 mittens so far. Trying to stitch 5 a month… key is also finishing 5 a month… in order to have enough for a tree by next december. Here are the 2 that I have done so far.
Still have to add a cardinal button to the birdhouse mitten and possibly a button or two to the mitten mitten.
Paul and I were able to go to the Utah Jazz game on Saturday January 14, 2012. WE WON… yeah. He got to meet Thurl Bailey, Ron Boone, and Phil Johnson. He was so excited.
Enough for now.
Jaunice Minor